
Go therefore and make disciples...

The Vision

As a church plant in the Spring of 2022, we launched our Sunday Morning Services in lower Manhattan. Our plans for the future include obtaining a storefront in lower Manhattan for a coffee shop & a Christian bookstore to support our mission. We'll be able to use this space for Bible studies, lectures and seminars, and for small music and worship events during the week.

Moving forward in time we plan to have additional Bible studies and prayer times, as well as offering discipleship opportunities for personal growth in faith. We also hope to establish an arts program with biblical themes for doing theatrical plays and events, music events, and literary events.

volunteers needed

As a new church plant in NYC, we have many needs and will need some friends to help us along the way. Some needs will be short term and others will come along down the road as our ministry grows. If you have skills and/or interest in one of the volunteer roles listed below, talk to James or Pastor Bern.
  • Competent Bible Study Leaders
  • Prayer Warriors & Prayer Group Leaders
  • Greeters / Setup & Breakdown Volunteers
  • Tech & Communications Volunteers
  • Worship Leaders, Singers, and Musicians/Instrumentalists
  • Lay Counseling & Caregivers
  • Fundraiser Volunteers & Financial Clerk Volunteers
  • Security Personnel & Volunteers
  • Managers & Leaders with High-Level Organizational Skills

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

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