
Pastors, Staff & TRUSTEES

Bern Eslava


Bern has been a dedicated servant of God whose journey began in 2004 when he surrendered his life to Jesus at Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley. Since then, he has passionately served his Savior, committing his heart and soul to the ministry. In 2020, Bern married Loretta, and continue to serve God together. They have embarked on a divine mission to minister in Lower Manhattan, New York, specifically at Calvary Chapel Grace & Hope. In the bustling streets of the city, they tirelessly teach the Word of God, preach salvation to the lost, and nurture the flock with unwavering love and care. Bern and Loretta's commitment to serving God's purpose shines brightly as they impact lives and spread the message of God's grace to the people of NYC.

James bond

Co-Founder & Administrator

James Bond, a native New Yorker was born on East 77th Street in Manhattan but grew up in the suburbs just outside New York City. He came to know Christ as Savior as a young boy and over time became a very dedicated, committed Christian. In his mid-to-late twenties, James moved to L.A.. After a few years (early 1980's) he moved back to Manhattan, landing an apartment on the lower west side of Manhattan where he would attend the nearby New York University. At this time James also found and got involved with an excellent Bible-teaching church in midtown Manhattan where he became an elder and headed up a number of different ministries. Upon finishing his studies at NYU, James went on to become a Speech Pathologist working with the NYC Department of Education. James is now retired. His life work in now focused on spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ in New York City and beyond.

Jerel Hagerman


Pastor Jerel Hagerman grew up on a farm in Kansas, came to know Christ as a young man and went on to become an ordained minister of the Gospel. He has been teaching the Bible, book by book, verse by verse, for more than 40 years now. He is the Senior Pastor of Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel and the President of "Calvary Bible Institute" (CBI). One of his callings is "Raising up the Next Generation". Over the years he has taught and discipled endless numbers of men and women who are now being sent across America and around the world to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Someone once said, "Pastor Jerel is tireless". And he is! Currently, Pastor Jerel is continuing with his God given calling and vision to plant more Calvary Chapel churches and more Calvary Bible Institutes in the USA and across the globe. Pastor Jerel resides with his beautiful, wonderful wife, Merrily, near his church and Bible school in Yucca Valley, CA.


Hector uribe

Trustee & Secretary

Hector was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia in South America. After graduating university, Hector moved to Brooklyn, NY where he pursued a career in teaching with the New York City Department of Education. Hector eventually moved into a Supervisory position and went on to study and achieve two Masters’ Degree’s and a Doctorate in Education. He continues to work in the city’s school system. Hector is also an Adjunct Professor at CUNY. Over the years Hector has sporadically worked in the hotel and hospitality industry. Hector came to know Christ as Savior as a young man. He currently attends Brooklyn Tabernacle Church in downtown Brooklyn.

Robert Reichen

Trustee & Vice President

Bob was born and raised in Portland Oregon. After graduating High School, Bob attended Multnomah Bible School where he met, fell in love and married his wife Grace. After graduation from Multnomah, Bob and Grace moved to Corvallis Oregon where Bob attended Oregon State University. During these years, Bob and Grace worked with Campus Crusade for Christ. Upon graduation from Oregon State, Bob and Grace moved to New York City where they were on staff with Campus Crusade at Columbia University in upper Manhattan. Bob also established a not-for-profit church growth ministry, Network Associates.  Bob is an ordained Minister of the Gospel. He previously served as an Associate Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in midtown Manhattan. Bob and Grace then moved back to Oregon where Bob continued his Pastoral career, and Grace began a successful career in real estate. Bob and Grace are the proud parents of Lincoln and Lindsey, and proud grandparents to four beautiful grandchildren.

Sammy martinez


Sammy Martinez surrendered his life to the Lord in 1998 at the age of 21. Through the teaching ministry of Pastor Raul Ries, Sammy heard the call of God upon his life that first Sunday in August of 1998. Sammy met his amazing wife Ivett and they began fellowshipping at Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley in May of 2000. The two of them were married March 31, 2001. In October of 2003, the Lord called Sammy into full time ministry. Today Sammy is the Executive Pastor at Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley. He currently teaches at Calvary Bible Institute in Yucca Valley, CA. Sammy and his wife Ivett have 4 children, two of which are with the Lord.